Monday, August 30, 2010

A quick, boring update

I was afraid the church hunt would be lonely, daunting and scary. I imagined looking around with the newcomer "where am I" look, only to stumble around and sit alone. Maybe nobody would want to talk to me. But being the proactive I am, I wouldn't wait too long to take initiative and introduce myself. But maybe I would be too intense or awkward and the conversations would be short lived. Maybe people would be nice enough to introduce themselves, but too busy to really get to know me. And when I reached the 10 minute limit of awkwardly standing alone, I would leave without making a real connection.

But God provides and I'm surprised at what a small world it is. Over this past month, I was blessed to have Eurie welcome me in every way as I checked out Wellspring. And I was surprised and delighted to see many familiar faces at Living Word as well.

The plan is to check out three or four churches, each for a month, and then make a decision. Wellspring was my August, Living Word is my September, and SF Bible will be my October.

I want to take my time in this search. I rushed in college. I got stars in my eyes and immersed myself. It was really good, but now that I know more about Christianity I want to see how it is applied and actualized at different churches. I want a good grasp of the doctrine, the philosophy of ministry, and how the body fellowships and serves. I want to think of this as a long term decision. At the same time, not having a home church feels a little homeless and I'd rather settle sooner than later.

I finished my first week of work last week. I've been working throughout this year, but this position feels like my first real job. I'm also more committed to it than I was for the other jobs. It's a small company and I have a lot of opportunity to grow and take on responsibility, which is exciting because it would be a slower, more limiting process at big companies. It's nice that there's no bureaucracy. Interesting tidbit - a lot of my coworkers are Mormon, my boss is in fact. hMm courage and discernment please.

All in all, I feel like life is steady. Last year was a pruning year and I feel like this year is smoothing out and I am ready and excited to bear fruit! I hope I bear figs, because they're my favorite. Small, and sweet, and rare (because they have a short season)

1 comment:

  1. but figs rhyme with pigs.

    i'd rather have a LOT of fruit than small rare ones that rot in your backpack if you leave them there over the weekend.

    now oranges, those last forever.

