Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ramble Ramble...

I mean to blog more, but I only write at the apex of my emotions. The epiphanies aren’t as witty and smart if I let the moment pass. Actually, I’m certain I say nothing new, but I like to pretend…

I’m surprised to say I’ve been reading more because I've never really enjoyed it. When I was younger my sister got contacts because she was a book worm. I got contacts because I played N64. Loved Zelda, despite the fact that it clashed with my cheerleader image…

So I’ve been reading two books lately: Blue Like Jazz and Passion and Purity. Blue Like Jazz I LOVE LOVE LOVE! Donald Miller expresses himself with candid inhibition. He says provocative statements like this - “The real issue in Christian community is that its conditional… by toeing the party line you earn social dollars; by being yourself you did not. If you wanted to be valued, you became a clone.”

Yup! He makes these ridiculous generalizations that are unfair because he brings his readers through what he's thinking at the moment before he leads them to the right perspective. You can figure out why this statement is twisted, no? Cool, I won't repeat it then. He's clever as well.

Passion and Purity - I picked this up because I was bored in Berkeley and had nothing better to do than to look through Ana’s shelf. Never intended to read this because Evangel sisters love this book and I figured it was too prudish and “I say all the right things” for me. She is proper, but I have to say there’s definitely pearls in here!

Different style of writing, same love for the Lord. Two quotes for you –
“If we are not willing to wake up in the morning and die to ourselves, maybe we should ask ourselves whether or not we are really following Jesus” (Donald Miller).
“Until the will and affections are brought under the authority of Christ, we have not begun to understand, let alone to accept His Lordship” (Elliot).

Man I could write a whole entry about how these apply to me, but I will spare you. This entry is a lot of pointless rambling. Plus, I have work at 5 am tomorrow. ☹ Shoot me now…

Speaking of work – here are some previews. I’ll do an entry about it later.

1 comment:

  1. lol. start work just in time for the holiday season. might be brutalll =D
    ive been curious about blue like jazz.. ive heard good things about it.. he's a journalist right? - jungpa
