Sunday, July 24, 2011


I'm a big fan of being intentional and purposeful in everything we do. So when I found my mind wandering one day I googled "Desiring God self control" and came across this article - The Fierce Fruit of Self Control. It was a refreshing reminder that being sober-minded is an intentional, self-denying, painful process to seek after Christ.

"The very concept of self-control" implies a battle between a divided self. It implies that our 'self' produces desires we should not satisfy but should instead control."

"The Christian way of self-control is NOT 'just say no!' The problem is with the word 'just.' You don't just say no. You say no in a certain way: you say no by faith in the superior power and pleasure of Christ. It may be just as painful to say no. But the difference between worldly self-control and godly self-control is crucial."

The latter part really hit me because when my mind wanders, my reaction is usually "stop, you know better." But I need to remember the purpose of self-control. We don't say "no" out of duty and obligation and knowing what's right. It comes from a relationship with God and believing in His promises. I have to remind myself that indulgent, emotional reactions, although satisfying, do not lead to happiness and contentment. Striving after wisdom and sanctification does.

Lots of thoughts have been running through my mind, as usual, but I never find the time to blog, and I always feel like my writing is crap. That's all I'm going to say for now, the article articulates the concept better than I can. Read it.

In other news, I am writing from Yokohama Japan! I'll be in Japan for 4 days, then off to Shanghai for 5. My first self-paid vacation in a foreign country. I feel all grown up... Will try to post pictures :)

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