Monday, January 3, 2011


I'm contemplating ending my relationship with SPAM. If you've lived with me or known me for any length of time you know I can't deny any form of meat. I've loved spam most of my life. You can store it forever, it complements so many dishes, and it's just plain tasty.

Last year, I made kimchi fried rice with spam. I knew it was in the fridge for at least a few weeks, but I don't like wasting food, and how can you waste meat? It had a slimy film over it, but I reasoned that it was a dried form of the preservative goo you see when you first take it out of the can. Plus, I have a super strong stomach. To be honest, it was probably in the fridge for at least a month. Needless to say, I got food poisoning and threw up for two days. I felt like dying, but I continued to stay with spam anyway because I rationalized that it was my fault.

I recently got a musubi maker and was excited to try it out. But when I opened the can I saw something stringy and black on my beloved. As I took a closer look I saw that it was hair. It wasn't just one, thin, strand of hair. It was a cluster of thick, black hair. Not just one cluster, two. TWO CLUSTERS OF THE UGLIEST THINGS I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. I screamed for Kathy to come over. She gagged and told me she wanted to throw up.

Traumatizing. I know spam is made of gross stuff, but I keep telling myself this is another exception. I honestly can't imagine my life without it. Devastating.

I actually made the musubi anyways. In my defense, I cut out the quarter of meat that was near the hair. The musubi is right next to me as I write this and I'm contemplating if I should eat it. I wonder if too much has passed... thinking of eating it makes me want to gag, but I'm still clinging on... I'll let you know if I eat it.

Proof -

By the way, I encourage you to click the enlarged picture to get the full effect.


  1. dude. that ain't nothing. i went to a restaurant and bit into this wrap. and i was chewing on this bad boy:

  2. DUDE. That is freaking DISGUSTING. I can't believe you STILL ATE IT.

  3. gross.... dang clavid beat me to it. yeah look at his picture. hahha but yours is gross too. so did ya eat it?

  4. It sat on my desk for a few hours. Then I threw it away.
