Saturday, November 20, 2010

$0.02 about insecurity

Had a conversation about insecurity with some LWFers last night. One of them told me I seem to have a lot of confidence, and asked if I also have a lot of insecurities, if I try to overcompensate with the former.

Made me think about the definition of the word... I don't think insecurity is a measure of shortcomings. On the flip side, confidence doesn't stem from a lack of weaknesses. Instead, I think insecurity is an inability to cope with our weaknesses. The insecure person fears men and squirms when light is shed on their shortcomings.

But 2 Corinthians 12:9 is one of my favorite verses! - that God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. So much freedom knowing that Christ is our salvation and worth. I wish I was better at a lot of things, I wish I was more God-fearing. But as believers we should be less insecure when we learn to take our eyes off ourselves and to fix our eyes on the fact that we are a new creation. No longer defining "success" by our own strength, but knowing that confidence comes from the fact that we are worthy and precious in God's eyes. Terribly unfair that God's love and mercy does that, but true.

I'm not saying I don't have insecurities. I do, I just don't think I'm plagued with them because I know where my hope is. When my strength is in myself, and I compare myself with a worldly idea of success, I am more insecure. But when I refocus my eyes on the cross, I realize that even my inadequacies are used to show His awesomeness. How terribly efficient He is...