Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Traveling convictions

I like developing convictions. I think they're important. Too many people "go with the flow" without really knowing what they believe, without understanding why they do things. It sounds silly, but while I was traveling, I was set on developing "traveling convictions" - what's worth seeing, doing and spending time and money on.

My initial thought was - make the most out of your money - pack your day, don't sleep, see as much as you can. But, I realized I'm not a huge sightseeing person. At the end of the day a building is a building, a street is a street. It looks different, but it doesn't leave me amazed and awestruck. So if I'm not that impressed by wikitravel's "must-sees," what's worth doing?

One thing I didn't expect was to be spiritually encouraged. Pre-planning was all about agendas, excels, and wikitravelling as much information as I could. I spent a good amount of time on an 8 page word doc that listed places of interest and an excel I didn't use much. I knew what churches I would go to on Sunday, but didn't plan much beyond service. But God met me in Japan and Shanghai in ways I didn't expect.

It was a blessing to stay with Helen's parents who are missionaries in Japan. They really have a heart and burden for that country. It's not an easy place to plant seeds. It's affluent and flashy and fun. But it's spiritually dry. They really pour out more than they receive and it's hard to find mutual, strong fellowship beyond their marriage. They were so hospitable to me, a relative stranger. Their love was very practical and intentional and encouraging.

I was also blessed in Shanghai when visiting Jessica Tsai :) She's only been there a few months but has actively sought to get plugged in to a church and invest in people. She's serving, loving people, and letting people love her. Sometimes when people know they will be in a place for a short time, they decide not to invest. Their mindset is "I'm only going to be here for a short while, so I'll do what I need to get done and bounce." But really, God can do so much in any amount of time and we should be fully there wherever we are.

I left Asia with a renewed sense to invest in relationships . To love purposefully and intentionally without self-entitled reciprocation. Why should I be surprised that God would encourage and exhort me in foreign countries, even when I don't expect it? I should always be mindful of Him wherever I go and whatever I do.

Traveling convictions -
- God: See how God works in different countries
- People: Get to know people in different countries
- Food: duh
- Things will rarely go as planned. Focus on places of interest more than a set-schedule of to-do's to execute

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