Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Food poisoning

I have a strong stomach so I'll eat things even if they're questionable. The perpetrator was an old can of spam that's been in the fridge for more than a week. It had this white sticky film over it. But I shrugged, cut it up and ate it.

Needless to say I payed for my pride. Was vomiting every half-hour for half a day and every hour for the second half of the day. Went to work anyways because it's a big deal to call out under the 90 day probation period and I have a lot of work to do.

But gained a little perspective on my Tuesday off. I take myself way too seriously and am stressed over trivial things like work. Okay it's not necessarily trivial... I obviously care about it enough to go when I'm vomiting every hour. But I really do try my best there and if I can't get everything I want done, what amount of worrying will add an hour to my life?

Just reminds me of college where I stressed and stressed over getting that A. But it doesn't mean much in eternity. The result isn't something I'm going to parade in front of God. What matters is that I fear the Lord in everything I do and I work heartily on to Him. A lot of stress comes from fearing man and taking myself too seriously. So unnecessary.


  1. EWW eww EWWWW

    i had NO idea it was OLD SPAM you ate.
    what the freak; couldn't you tell it tasted different?

    Actually though, I remember college, and how you'd leave spam in the fridge for a looong time.

    I bet it was over a month old.

  2. I encourage you to visit the premier resource for food poisoning -

  3. oh my cassandra... NO BAD SPAM!!! :( :( :( :( aghhh i wish someone was in norcal to have taken care of you :( :(

  4. eww i almost felt like vomiting myself
