Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hands and Ears

The bible gives us principles on how we should live our lives but it looks different in every Christian because they have unique gifts, personalities, preferences, convictions. I've been thinking about diversity lately. Not just superficial differences - like personality, appearance, hobbies, but theological, spiritual differences. Is there benefit to having spiritual diversity? In gifts, yes, in different emphasis of spiritual principles, yes. In spiritual convictions? Well it depends on what they are.

Every believer is going to have particular passages really speak to them. But part of wisdom is understanding the balance between two commandments - not going to extremes and knowing they don't conflict. One part of the bible says don't associate with unbelievers, what does darkness have to do with light? Another part of the bible illustrates that Jesus was very intimate with tax collectors and sinners. People who understand and emphasize one of these would benefit from the other because both are commanded and necessary.

Diversity in spiritual convictions is good because we have the tendency to focus on certain aspects and commandments that speak to us, that we relate to. But hearing brothers and sisters that emphasize other principles will make us more balanced Christians. One person may focus (be gifted in) equipping and serving the body. Another may focus on evangelism and mercy ministries. We ought to listen well before we tell the other our time is best spent doing ___.

God uses diversity. Maybe you're the hand and I'm the foot... Actually, I hate feet. You're the hand and I'm the ear. I don't think it's going against being like-minded if it's in the word. As long as we seek our convictions and are like-minded in the bible and the gospel.